Proven effective oral medication
for Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Daily oral treatment to halt AMD progression
and help recover lost vision

Formulated by a California vision-care researcher, AMD Stopper is a newly discovered oral treatment requiring no injections which has been shown to stop Age-Related Macular Degeneration in its tracks

What is AMD?

Age-Related Macular Degeneration is a chronic eye disease and the most common cause of severe loss of eyesight among people 50 and older. An estimated 300 to 400 million people worldwide suffer from this disorder which affects the central vision.

As AMD progresses, a part of the retina called the macula is damaged. In advanced stages, people lose their ability to drive, to see faces, and to read text. In its early stages, AMD may have no signs or symptoms, so people may not suspect they have it.

The most common symptoms of age-related macular degeneration include:

  • Blurry or fuzzy vision
  • Difficulty recognizing familiar faces
  • Straight lines appear wavy
  • A dark, empty area or blind spot in the center of vision
  • Loss of central vision, which is necessary for driving, reading, recognizing faces and performing close-up work

Finally, relief for millions of AMD sufferers

There is no present cure for AMD. Consequently, there is a ready global market for a treatment that can slow or reverse the progression of the disease. In the US alone, there are over 11million people that suffer from the disease. That number is expected to double by 2050. Age is a prominent risk factor for age-related macular degeneration. The chances of contracting the disease increases from 2% between the ages 50-59 to 30% over 75.  

AMD Stopper Inc. is a newly organized company which holds the formulas, patent applications, and intellectual property rights to the formula developed by an eye care researcher to treat Age-Related Macular Degeneration.

AMD Stopper is the sole owner and licensee of this groundbreaking oral medication and will either be manufactured by the Company or licensed to an FDA-certified drug manufacture under the supervision of the scientists, Ophthalmologists, and physicians employed or under contract.

Investors and manufacturers of eye care medications are invited to contact

AMD Stopper for licensing and partnering opportunities

To bring AMD Stopper to market* AMD Stopper is seeking to partner with pharmaceutical manufacturers in Mexico, Latin America, Europe, and North America to prepare and achieve marketing approval. Of particular interest is entering the Mexican market where an estimated 15 million are suffering from the blinding effects of AMD.

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AMD Stopper